
We are proud to announce that iQtec has successfully achieved ISO 27001 certification, a significant milestone in our commitment to information security and excellence in our services. This certification recognizes our continuous effort to ensure the highest security standards for our customers and partners.

The ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard that establishes the requirements for an efficient information security management system. Obtaining this certification is not an easy task; it requires a very important commitment to security, to transparency and making continuous improvements. It is a testament to our commitment to protecting sensitive data and mitigating associated risks.

What exactly does this certification mean for our customers and partners?
Firstly, it provides them with peace of mind that iQtec follows the highest standards of information security in all our operations and processes. This translates into greater confidence in the protection of your sensitive data and the guarantee of its integrity and confidentiality.
Secondly, the ISO 27001 certification, combined with the already obtained ISO 9001, demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement. We are dedicated to constantly reviewing and improving our security systems and processes to stay up to date with the latest security threats and challenges. Furthermore, this certification reinforces our position as leaders in the Spanish market, differentiating us from the competition and demonstrating our commitment to excellence and safety in everything we do.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our team for their great professionalism and dedication to making this achievement possible as well as our clients and partners for their trust and continued support.

At iQtec, we are committed to continuing to lead the way in information security and providing our customers and partners with the best possible experience. ISO 27001 certification is just another step in our journey toward continued excellence in information security. If you have any questions about our ISO 27001, ISO 9001 certification or our services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.

The iQtec Services team.

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Esta entrada está escrita por Tony Pelayo